

Haleem Haleem is traditionally prepared during Ramadaan using Meat and Lentils. Even though it’s a high-calorie meal, it’s a slow-digesting meal keeping you fuller for longer. Haleem is usually eaten at the time of breaking our fast and served alongside...
Romany Creams

Romany Creams

Romany Creams Romany Creams might very well be South Africa’s favourite chocolate bicci. Two coconut-chocolate biscuits are sandwiched between melted (@cadbury_sa Dairy Milk) chocolate.  The most difficult thing is achieving the exact textural appearance of the...
Pecan Horseshoe Biscuits

Pecan Horseshoe Biscuits

Pecan Horseshoe Biscuits There are 2 ways to bake a good biscuit. You can either stand, complaining that you need to shape them. Or put on a playlist, take a seat in a warm spot with everything laid out on a table and prioritise turning this into a mindful act. To...
Nan Katai

Nan Katai

Nan Katai For some of us, growing up with Nan Katai meant gifting or receiving a Tupperware with grease proof paper seperating the layers. It is made for Diwali, and for Eid. For teatables when someone left or returned from Hajj. It seems as if this culture and...
Coffee Biscuits

Coffee Biscuits

Coffee Biscuits Old-fashioned biscuit or modern-day cookie? I’ve been thinking about this a latteFor the biscuit: 250g butter 1 cup icing sugar Half a cup of oil 1 cup Maizena 1 tsp vanilla essence 2 tbsp coffee powder (instant) 1 tbsp warm water 2 cups of flour...